WASHINGTON— Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., issued the following statement in response to the speech delivered Friday by Jeffrey Zients, Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), on the Administration’s information technology strategy.

          “The Administration has admirably taken up the cause of improving the federal government’s technological capabilities for the 21st century. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) has been active in this area for as long as I can remember, but especially since 2002, when Congress passed our E-Government Act.

“In the digital age, few management techniques in the federal government are more important than ensuring that agencies have the latest, integrated, and cross-functional information technology and the skilled personnel to oversee the purchase and maintenance of that technology.  I am particularly excited about the planned development of a specialized group of acquisition professionals to guide technological updates and quality control government-wide.  Significantly for the U.S. taxpayer, the Administration says it has taken steps to save $1.6 billion after reviewing 30 financial modernization projects that were running behind schedule and over budget.

“The Administration’s IT strategy is geared toward greater productivity, cost savings, citizen access, and more transparency about how the people’s money is spent. These are all worthy goals that, when fulfilled, mean the American people will be better served by their government.”




