Lieberman Praises Election Reform Compromise Agreement

WASHINGTON – Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today praised House and Senate negotiators for reaching bipartisan agreement on election reform legislation that provides better information to voters, dedicates new resources to help administer elections, and helps ensure that every vote cast is counted.

“The integrity of any self-governed democracy derives from the right of its citizens to vote, but the widespread problems with voter registration and ballot counting we saw in 2000 showed us that we still have work to do in guaranteeing that right,” Lieberman said. “This bill should help restore Americans’ faith that their votes will be counted and their voices will be heard.”

“I know a little something about election problems, but this bill is not about Florida or about the past,” Lieberman added. “It’s about building a better voter system for the future across the nation.”

Lieberman particularly praised Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) for his leadership on the issue, saying that, “Senator Dodd’s commitment to making election reform a reality was a driving force in realizing this agreement. He stayed at the bargaining table when many others had given up hope that a compromise would be achieved this year, and I’m appreciative of his hard work.”

The compromise announced today spends $3.9 billion to replace outdated voting machines, train poll workers, and educate voters about election procedures. The measure also requires states to create statewide voter registration systems to eliminate duplicate registration, allows voters to cast provisional ballots if their voting eligibility is questioned at polling places, and gives voters a second chance to vote if errors are made on a first ballot. Both the Senate and House of Representatives are expected to approve it next week.
