Johnson Discusses Russia Probe, Committee Investigation on Fox News

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, appeared on Fox News’ Bill Hemmer Reports Friday to discuss the revelation that the sub-source for the Steele dossier was believed to have been in contact with Russian intelligence officers and his committee’s recently released interim report on their Biden-Ukraine conflicts-of-interest investigation.

Excerpts are below and video of the interview can be found here.

“Let’s face it: Russian disinformation itself, its effect pales in comparison to the effect on what happened with the Democrats pushing this false narrative and the mainstream media carrying the Democrats’ water.”

“With our subpoena for the FBI to produce documents, we’ve given them two extensions now, what information we get is heavily redacted and we know there is no reason for it to be so heavily redacted because we have something from another agency, and we actually get the information from it. People within the FBI have been hiding the ball for far too many years. The American people deserve the truth. It’s well past time the American people get the truth.”

“This is a major scandal that the mainstream media continues to look the other way as they did … when we released our 87-page report on Hunter and Joe Biden and all the intricate webs and the very troubling financial transactions we uncovered. The mainstream media has to start asking some questions because, again, the American people deserve the truth, it’s well past time they get it.”

