New Report Shows DHS Procurement Practices Waste Millions

The Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security issued a new report identifying millions of misguided procurement practices of DHS’s radio systems. The report found that the department has no reliable way to create an inventory of existing radio systems, and component–level data is often inaccurate and incomplete. The IG report also found that without significant reforms, significant funds could be wasted on current and future radio procurement programs.  

Findings include:

  • The IG found that Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) recorded $6.6 million worth of radio equipment in its inventory as being “in service” when in reality, the items were stored in a warehouse for 17 months.
  • Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded $21.5 million worth of equipment as being “active” when it was stored in a maintenance facility for 16 months. 
Additional information available here