WASHINGTON – Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and George V. Voinovich of Ohio today issued a joint statement regarding President Obama’s recess appointment of Rafael Borras to the post of Under Secretary for Management at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Both Senators are members of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senator Collins is its ranking member. The committee held a hearing in July to vet the nominee. Yet, Democratic Senate leaders made no attempt to schedule a floor vote on this nominee while the Senate was in session.

The statement of Senators Collins and Voinovich follows:

“We are extremely disappointed that the Obama Administration chose to circumvent the U.S. Senate by giving Rafael Borras a recess appointment to the position of Under Secretary for Management at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. We both opposed this nomination in the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, because Mr. Borras lacks the sufficient experience necessary to fill this critical post.

“Over the past seven years, DHS has struggled to complete the enormous task of integrating nearly 230,000 employees and about two dozen federal agencies. The transformation of DHS is on the Government Accountability Office’s ‘high-risk list’. To ensure that the person appointed to the post of Under Secretary for Management can shoulder its many burdens, the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 elevated the position. It required the nominee to have significant leadership capability, extensive executive-level management experience, a demonstrated ability to manage large and complex organizations, and a proven record in achieving positive operational results.

“While Mr. Borras’ commitment to public service is admirable, his experience falls far short of the statutory requirements for the position. Moreover, his numerous tax errors on his federal income tax filings show a troubling lack of attention to detail and a pattern of carelessness. Although Mr. Borras may have been qualified for another appointment in this administration, his recess appointment to this vital DHS post is regrettable.”
