Thompson Applauds Administration for Bringing Performance Management to Airport Security Operations

WASHINGTON –  Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Fred Thompson (R-TN) today applauded the Administration?s plan to use performance management as a tool to improve airport security.

?Secretary Mineta has outlined an aggressive approach to securing our nation?s airports,? said Senator Thompson. ?He is bringing performance management to airport security operations and holding airlines accountable where it counts.  The current environment requires nothing less and I commend the Administration for insisting on improved performance in this area.?

The Department of Transportation yesterday outlined new stricter security standards for aviation security and insisted that ?airlines? ability to move planes will be more strictly tied to their ability to maximize security.?  The performance management strategy announced by Secretary Mineta will hold airlines, airports, and other organizations accountable for meeting these stricter security standards.

An amendment offered by Senator Thompson to make performance management a permanent part of airport security management was included in the Aviation Security Act, which passed the Senate by a vote of 100 – 0.
