
Contracts for Afghan National Police Training

Date: April 15, 2010
Time: 2:30pm
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building SD-342

The hearing examined Defense Department and State Department contracts for police training in Afghanistan, including the State Department’s Civilian Police (CIVPOL) Program contract in support of the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A). The hearing reviewed the recently released joint audit of this contract by the Defense Department and State Department Inspectors General and explore concerns related to management and oversight of the contract. The hearing also addressed GAO’s recent decision sustaining the contractor DynCorp’s protest of the Defense Department’s plans to transfer management of the contract to the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Counter-Narcoterrorism Technology Program Office (CNTPO). Additional information and materials relating to this hearing are available at http://mccaskill.senate.gov/issues/soco/docs.cfm


Panel 1

The Honorable

Gordon S.


Inspector General

U.S. Department of Defense

Panel 1

Evelyn R.


Assistant Inspector General for Audits

U.S. Department of State

Panel 1

The Honorable David T.


Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

U. S. Department of State

Panel 1

David S.


Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense