In 2004, President Bush called for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop and implement a strategic plan to guide the nationwide implementation of Health Information Technology (HIT). The plan also called for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to leverage its power with the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) to increase the use of HIT. This hearing will review the efforts of HHS to integrate privacy into the HIT national infrastructure and OPM’s efforts to expand the use of HIT through the FEHBP and the impact such actions have on federal employees’ health information privacy.
Interim National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Deputy Associate Director, Center for Employee and Family Support Policy
Office of Personnel Management
Director of Information Technology Management Issues
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Herbert F. Boehl Chair of Law and Medicine; and Director of the Institute for Bioethics, Health Policy and Law
University of Louisville School of Medicine
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751