
Nominations of Patricia Broderick, Neal Kravitz, and Natalia Combs Greene

Date: September 3, 1998
Time: 10:00am
Location: Senate Dirksen Building, SD-342

On Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., the Committee held a hearing on the nominations of Patricia Broderick, Natalia Combs Greene, and Neal Kravitz, all to be Associate Judges of the DC Superior Court. It was chaired by Senator Sam Brownback. Neal Kravitz was introduced by Senator Paul Sarbanes. Senator Brownback, at the request of Senator Thompson, asked Broderick for the record about three cases in which her actions as prosecutor were criticised by the court (U.S. v. Curtis, U.S. v. Coreas, and U.S. v. Morrison).