The hearing focused on measuring of the impact of FEMA grants since 9/11 and the role Federal, state, and local governments play in developing metrics to assess preparedness for natural and manmade events. Since September 11, 2001, the nation has invested almost $40 billion in equipment, training, and exercising and in order to enhance and sustain essential capabilities, assessments must be done to determine our current level of preparedness and identify gaps that will inform future investment of tax-payer dollars.
Assistant Inspector General, Office of Audits, Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Deputy Administrator, Protection and National Preparedness
Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Director, Homeland Security and Justice Team
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Director, Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
National Emergency Management Association, National Governors Association
Mayor, City of Alexandria, Virginia
U.S. Conference of Mayors
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751