The preference given Alaska Native Corporations in federal procurement was intended to provide economic opportunities for impoverished Alaskan communities. But it has become a vehicle for avoiding competition and passing work through to large, non-Native contractors. In 2006, GAO called the provisions an “open checkbook.” The hearing examined new findings from federal auditors and explore potential abuses in the award, management, and oversight of these contract vehicles. Additional information and materials relating to this hearing are available at
Assistant Inspector General for Auditing, Office of Inspector General
U.S. Small Business Administration
Associate Administrator, Office of Government Contracting and Business Development
U.S. Small Business Administration
Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Technology
U.S. Department of Defense
Executive Director
Native American Contractors Association
Executive Director
National Congress of American Indians
Senior Vice President, Federal Programs
Cirrus Technology, Inc
Chief Financial Officer
Purcell Construction Corporation
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751