117th Congress
Action Date | Description / Latest Action |
2005-02-10 |
Description: Allen Weinstein, of Maryland, to be Archivist of the United States, vice John W. Carlin.
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2005-06-15 |
Description: Louis J. Giuliano, of New York, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2005, vice Carolyn L. Gallagher.
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2005-05-26 |
Description: Tony Hammond, of Virginia, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission for a term expiring October 14, 2010. (Reappointment)
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2005-06-15 |
Description: Louis J. Giuliano, of New York, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2014. (Reappointment)
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2006-11-16 |
Description: Stephen Thomas Conboy, of Virginia, to be United States Marshal for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of four years, vice Todd Walther Dillard.
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Jennifer M. Anderson, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen years, vice Steffen W. Graae, retired.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Noel Anketell Kramer, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals for the term of fifteen years, vice John Montague Steadman, retired.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Carolyn L. Gallagher, of Texas, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for the remainder of the term expiring December 8, 2005, vice Erensta Ballard, resigned, to which position she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Tony Hammond, of Virginia, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission for a term expiring October 14, 2010. (Reappointment)
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Louis J. Giuliano, of New York, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2009, vice Albert Casey, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Louis J. Giuliano, of New York, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2009, vice Albert Casey.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Carolyn L. Gallagher, of Texas, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for the remainder of the term expiring December 8, 2005, vice Erensta Ballard, resigned.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Brian David Miller, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, General Services Administration, vice Daniel R. Levinson.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Edwin D. Williamson, of South Carolina, to be Director of the Office of Government Ethics for a term of five years, vice Amy L. Comstock, resigned.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Laura A. Cordero, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen years, vice Shellie Fountain Bowers, retiring.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Juliet JoAnn McKenna, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen years, vice Nan R. Shuker, retiring.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
2004-07-22 |
Description: David M. Stone, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security. (New Position)
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2004-11-21 |
Description: Patrick P. O'Carroll, Jr., of Maryland, to be Inspector General, Social Security Administration, vice James G. Huse, Jr., retired.
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2004-11-21 |
Description: Barbara J. Sapin, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Merit Systems Protection Board for the term of seven years expiring March 1, 2007, vice Benjamin Leader Erdreich, resigned.
Latest Action: Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
2004-12-08 |
Description: Allen Weinstein, of Maryland, to be Archivist of the United States, vice John W. Carlin.
Latest Action: Returned to the President under the provisions of Senate Rule XXXI, paragraph 6 of the Standing Rules of the Senate at the sine die adjournment of the 108th Congress.
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751