WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) held a markup to consider legislation and nominations pending before the Committee. The Committee approved two nominations and six pieces of legislation, which now go to the full Senate for consideration.
The outcome of the votes for the nominations follows:
The Nomination of John H. Thompson to be a Director of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce
The Committee reported out the nomination of John H. Thompson to be a Director of the Census by a voice vote.
The Nomination of Katherine Archuleta to be Director, Office of Personnel Management
The Committee reported out the nomination of Katherine Archuleta to be the Director of the Office of Personnel Management by a vote of 6 to 4.
After debate, the Committee voted en bloc to approve the following legislation by voice vote:
S. 1398, Federal Real Property Asset Management Reform Act
The Federal Real Property Asset Management Reform Act was introduced by Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Coburn. This legislation would assist federal agencies in improving the management of federal property by promoting the sale of unneeded properties and establishing a framework for the management of existing space. This legislation would establish a pilot project to streamline the current federal real property disposal rules and require that each agency conduct an inventory of property under its control in order to help determine whether surplus property can be sold. Additionally, the legislation creates the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC), which would be charged with conducting an annual assessment of federal properties.
S. 1360, Improper Payments Agency Cooperation Enhancement Act of 2013
The Improper Payments Agency Cooperation Enhancement Act of 2013 (IPACE) was introduced by Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Coburn. IPACE will provide agencies with the tools needed to improve coordination on anti-waste and fraud efforts in order to curb millions of dollars in improper payments to deceased individuals. This legislation will, for the first time, allow all federal agencies access to the complete Death Master File database maintained by the Social Security Administration. IPACE will also require all agencies to use this date in order to curb improper payments to dead people.
S. 1276, Security Clearance Oversight and Reform Enhancement Act
The Security Clearance Oversight and Reform Enhancement Act (SCORE) was introduced by Senators Tester, McCaskill, Portman and Johnson. SCORE would increase oversight over how the government conducts background investigations and awards security clearances.
H.R. 1162, Government Accountability Office Improvement Act
The Government Accountability Office Improvement Act would clarify and strengthen the Government Accountability Office’s legal authority to obtain records from federal agencies, administer oaths during investigations, and gain access to certain types of information that had previously been withheld.
S. 1348, Congressional Award Program Reauthorization Act of 2013
The Congressional Award Program Reauthorization Act of 2013 would reauthorize the Congressional Award Program, which provides recognition to young people for excelling in any of four areas of achievement: public service, personal development, physical fitness, and expedition/exploration.
H.R. 1171, FOR VETS Act of 2013
The FOR VETS Act of 2013 would enable veterans’ service organizations to obtain surplus federal property such as computers, vehicles and other equipment free of charge from the government.