Lieberman Says It Would Be Counterproductive To Deny The 9-11 Commission An Extension

WASHINGTON – Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., Wednesday issued the following statement regarding an extension for the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States:

“For more than a year, the commission has been working under extremely difficult circumstances, including a delayed start-up, less than full cooperation from the White House and other government agencies, and a short time frame to conduct a wide-ranging investigation. It would be counterproductive to deny the commission the two extra months it now says it needs to complete its investigation. Only through a searching inquiry such as this will we be able to learn from our government’s failures and move to close the gaps in our domestic defenses so that we are never caught off guard again. I urge the White House and the leadership of the House and the Senate to ensure that the Commission gets the extra time it needs to complete its work.”
