McCaskill Meets Department of Homeland Security Nominee John Kelly Senator: I’m looking forward to a tough, comprehensive, and fair confirmation hearing

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill today released the following statement after meeting with General John Kelly USMC (Ret.), President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security:

“General Kelly has a long history of service to our country, and it was good to have the opportunity to ask him questions about his strategy for running an agency that’s so critical to the safety of the American people. During our conversation I assured him that his confirmation hearing next week would be tough, comprehensive, and fair—and I look forward to continuing our conversation at that time.”

Click HERE for more photos from the meeting.

McCaskill also met earlier this week with outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, where they discussed the challenges and opportunities facing his agency as McCaskill begins her work as the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

McCaskill and Republican Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin will hold a confirmation hearing for Kelly on January 11.

