McCaskill Requests Information from Chairman Johnson on Secret Informant After Republican Claims of a Possible Massive Law Enforcement Conspiracy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), is today calling for information related to repeated claims that an ‘informant’ has provided the Committee’s Republican majority with evidence of a conspiracy involving a ‘secret society’ at the FBI.

“The FBI and the people that work there put their lives on the line every day defending our country from a huge array of threats,” McCaskill said. “We deserve to see all the evidence that Chairman Johnson has in order to understand these incredibly serious allegations.”

After public assertions by HSGAC Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) that “all kinds of people come in front of our committee giving us information,” including separate statements about an ‘informant’ “we have to dig into…This is bias, potentially corruption, at the highest levels of the FBI,” McCaskill has written Johnson requesting all information related to the informant’s claims be shared with other Committee members.

“As a former prosecutor I understand fully the power of allegations in the public domain,” McCaskill wrote. “You have now made serious and damaging allegations. I would assume that you would never make those kinds of allegations without serious and substantial hard evidence.”

Read McCaskill’s letter to Chairman Johnson HERE.

