McCaskill Statement on National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill issued the following statement regarding National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which is ongoing for the month of October:

“Life in America is rapidly becoming more and more digitally connected, so when it comes to fighting for and protecting Missourians, an important part of my job as Senator is making sure we’re tackling cyber threats. I’m committed to working in a bipartisan way with members of Congress, the Administration, and other stakeholders to find solutions to the cybersecurity challenges facing our nation. I’m proud to join efforts this month—and every month—to bring attention to this very important issue, and I stand ready to work with anyone to keep Missourians safe.”

As the top Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, McCaskill has long pushed for Congressional action to address the nation’s vulnerability to cybersecurity threats. Earlier this month, the Senate passed a McCaskill-backed measure to strengthen and enhance the Department of Homeland Security’s role in protecting the country’s cybersecurity by creating the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the Department, a change the Department of Homeland Security resoundingly supports. Last month, her bipartisan bill to safeguard against supply chain security threats advanced in the Senate.

In August, a McCaskill-backed bill that addresses cybersecurity threats to small businesses was signed into law by President Trump. In June, she voted to confirm the Administration’s pick for the top cybersecurity official at the Department of Homeland Security. The Senate approved another McCaskill-backed bill in April that would strengthen cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security.

