Peters, Hoeven & Rosen Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Signed into Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Bipartisan legislation authored by U.S. Senators Gary Peters (D-MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, John Hoeven (R-ND) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) to help recruit, develop and retain highly skilled cybersecurity professionals in the federal workforce has been signed into law. Agencies across the federal government face growing cyber threats, but struggle to hire and retain qualified cybersecurity employees.

“A strong national security posture is impossible without a strong cyber workforce. To effectively combat ongoing threats we must have highly skilled, federal IT professionals who can safeguard our networks,” said Senator Peters. “This new law will help ensure there is a pipeline of talented and qualified cybersecurity professionals who can protect our systems and prevent bad actors from stealing sensitive data and compromising national security.” 

“Cyber-attacks targeting our nation continue to grow in frequency and complexity, and it is essential that we stay ahead of our adversaries and others who seek to illegally access and disable critical systems, including those run by federal agencies,” said Senator Hoeven. “That’s why we advanced this legislation to improve career opportunities for cybersecurity professionals, including those in the private sector, who want bring their expertise to the federal government. The personnel rotation program created by our bill will help ensure federal agencies can recruit and retain a skilled workforce that is better able to protect against and counter the threats we face.” 

“As a former computer programmer, I know how important it is to take action to expand and strengthen our nation’s federal cyber workforce,” said Senator Rosen. “This bipartisan law will help fill the gaps in our cyber workforce and better protect us against potentially debilitating cyberattacks, and I am proud to have helped introduce it.”

Government agencies often cannot compete with the salaries and other benefits offered by tech giants in Silicon Valley, but they provide valuable opportunities to serve the country and defend our cyber front lines. The Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act creates a civilian personnel rotation program for cybersecurity professionals at federal agencies. This program enables employees to spend time working at different government agencies, allowing them to gain experience beyond their primary assignment and expand their professional networks. The legislation provides opportunities to help attract and retain cybersecurity experts in the federal government by offering civilian employees opportunities to enhance their careers, broaden their professional experience, and foster collaborative networks by experiencing and contributing to the cybersecurity mission beyond their home agencies.

