WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, convened a hearing to learn more about the goals of the Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB), the board’s structure and activities, as well as challenges and opportunities facing the CSRB. The hearing highlighted the potential for the CSRB to help protect the nation from cyber threats. The witnesses discussed how the CSRB can boost American cyber defenses, help businesses, and become a pivotal entity to investigate and analyze cybersecurity threats.
“Our country’s cybersecurity is tested every day. Foreign adversaries and cyber criminals pose a constant threat to American businesses, government agencies, and our national security. As these attacks become more sophisticated, we must work to strengthen our cybersecurity infrastructure and protect our nation from the threats posed by these breaches,” said Peters during his opening statement.

During the hearing, Peters and the witnesses discussed the CSRB’s first two cybersecurity reviews, and how the CSRB can continue to improve in its work reviewing vulnerabilities and threat actors that face America’s cyber systems.
Tarah M. Wheeler, Chief Executive Officer of Red Queen Dynamics, discussed how the CSRB can play a crucial role in America’s cybersecurity defense apparatus, protect against threats from foreign adversaries, and help small businesses defend against cyberattacks. John Miller, Senior Vice President of Policy, Trust, Data, and Technology and General Counsel for Information Technology Industry Council described the important of public-private partnerships in cybersecurity, and the need to maximize the CSRB’s potential to be an asset to the cybersecurity defense community. Dr. Trey Herr, Director, Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council, explained the CSRB’s unique purpose and its potential capabilities in the future.