Coburn Questions DHS On Sequestration

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) –  On Thursday, February 21st, Dr. Coburn sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, seeking more information regarding the potential impacts of sequestration on DHS. 

In the letter, Dr. Coburn outlines a number of areas of waste within DHS that should be addressed first as sequestration looms.  Examples include a $212 million detection behavior  rogram said to “lack outcome-oriented goals” by the GAO, a $75 million chemical facilities program which has failed to accomplish its goals at a handful of locations, and $5.25 billion in unspent FEMA grant funds.  “By eliminating wasteful, duplicative, ineffective and low-priority programs first, rather than starting with its high-priority missions, DHS can successfully navigate sequestration and continue to perform its vital functions,” Dr. Coburn said.   

Click here for the full text of the letter to Secretary Napolitano.
