Department of Defense at Risk

Washington, DC–Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN) announced today that the Committee will hold a hearing on serious and long standing management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD). The Committee will explore solutions to reported incidents of waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement at DOD including maintaining thousands of computer systems that cannot talk to each other, continuing to make payments to individuals after they have died, storing a hundred years supply of spare parts, overpaying contractors and continuing to buy items the military will never use. The following witnesses will testify before the Committee:

John J. Hamre
Under Secretary of Defense and Comptroller
Department of Defense

Emmett Paige
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
Department of Defense

R. Noel Longuemare
Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Technology
Department of Defense

John F. Phillips
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics
Department of Defense

Henry Hinton
Assistant Comptroller General for National Security and International Affairs
United States General Accounting Office

The hearing will be held at 10:00 am on Thursday, May 1, 1997, in Room 342, Dirksen Senate Office Building.
