DHS Faces Challenges Monitoring & Overseeing Home-to-Work Transportation Program

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has one of the largest automobile fleets in the federal government with 56,000 vehicles costing $534 million. That equates to about 4.5 DHS employees to every car owned by the department. A new audit has found that the DHS does not effectively  keep track of Home-to-Work transportation – a program that allows over 17,000 DHS employees to use government vehicles as transportation from their homes to their place of work. The audit looked at whether DHS  had authorized and properly justified the employees’ use the program. It found, among other things, that the Department does not have reliable and accurate data on the program costs, such as fuel costs. The result is that the department has little ability to identify fraud, waste, and/or abuse in the program.  See the following oversight letter Senator Coburn sent to DHS about the program.  

Letter from Dr. Coburn to Rafael Borras re Home-to-Work Transportation Program.
