Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Oklahoma Tornadoes

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today regarding yesterday’s tragic tornado outbreak in Oklahoma:

 “Oklahomans have always inspired the nation with their courage, compassion and resilience in the face of unspeakable tragedy and loss.  That has already been the case in the few hours since these terrible tornadoes destroyed major parts of our communities, and will be the case as neighbors care for those who have lost everything, including children and family members. 

“I spoke with Department of Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano last night about FEMA’s response.  We still don’t know the scope of devastation and won’t for some time.  But, as the ranking member of Senate committee that oversees FEMA, I can assure Oklahomans that any and all available aid will be delivered without delay.

“Our office has been encouraged by the outpouring of support and offers for help from across the country.  I’ve posted information on my website about how people can best help Oklahomans rebuild and recover.” 

