HSGAC Advances Merit Systems Protection Board Nominees, 11 Bills During Business Meeting

WASHINGTON The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee advanced two nominees to be members of the Merit Systems Protection Board and 11 bills during a committee business meeting Wednesday. The bills, amendments and nominees were passed by voice vote.


  • Nomination of Dennis D. Kirk to be Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board;
  • Nomination of the Honorable Julia A. Clark to be a Member, Merit Systems Protection Board;


  • S. 380, Guidance Out Of Darkness Act;
  • S. 394, Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019;

  • S. 195, Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act;
  • S. 196, Modernizing Congressional Reporting Act of 2019;
  • S. 395, Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act of 2019;
  • S. 406, Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2019;
  • S. 375, Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019;
  • S. 315, DHS Cyber Hunt and Incident Response Teams Act of 2019;
  •  S. 333, National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act of 2019;
  • H.R. 504, DHS Field Engagement Accountability Act.

