WASHINGTON—The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, led by Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., held a nomination hearing Wednesday morning for Rafael Borras, nominated to be Under Secretary for Management at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


Borras currently serves in that position, having received a recess appointment last year after a Senate hold was placed on his original nomination.

            “Mr. Borras is an impressive nominee who brings tremendous energy and experience to an unglamorous but vitally important job,” said Lieberman.  “His 27 years of experience in the public and private sectors, not to mention his year in the very position he has been nominated for, overwhelmingly qualify him to be Under Secretary. Mr. Borras’ answers today should be reassuring for anyone who had doubts he can handle the position he has so ably held for the past year.  I hope my colleagues on the Committee will all support his confirmation so he can continue to bring his expertise and leadership to bear on the challenges that face the Department as it works to become the highly effective and efficient department we need it to be for the security of all Americans.”

            Before joining DHS, Borras was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration at the Commerce Department and Administrator for the General Services Administration’s Mid-Atlantic Region, in addition to other public and private sector management positions.

Lieberman said he hoped to hold a Committee vote on the nomination at an April 13, 2011, business meeting.





