Johnson Discusses Election Irregularities, Hunter Biden on ‘Bill Hemmer Reports’

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, appeared on “Bill Hemmer Reports” Wednesday to discuss his committee hearing examining irregularities in the 2020 election and the federal investigation into Hunter Biden.

Excerpts from his interview are below and a video of the interview can be found here.

Committee Hearing

“The goal of the hearing, contrary to what Senator Peters said, was to really try and resolve the suspicions around the election. We are in an unsustainable state of affairs in this country where you have large percentages of the American population, starting in 2016, how many millions just simply would never accept a legitimacy of President Trump? Now fast forward their guy wins, there’s all kinds of legitimate concerns, irregularities that we need answers to and the Democrats just want to sweep it under the rug. They called the hearing dangerous. No, I’m just trying to gather information, acknowledge that problem and it is a serious problem when you don’t have confidence, when such a high number of Americans don’t have confidence in the legitimacy of the election that’s a problem we need to solve. The only way you solve it is with transparency and honest information.”

Biden Investigation

“We need a thorough investigation. I guess I’ll give the U.S. attorney from Delaware a shot, but I am concerned based on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, which we investigated. That was not an investigation to uncover the truth leading to prosecution and conviction, it was an investigation designed to cover up the truth and exonerate Hillary Clinton. I need to be assured that that’s not the case with this U.S. Attorney in Delaware…we need equal justice in this country and that’s something that certainly with the Comey FBI and parts of the Department of Justice under Obama we didn’t have.”

