Johnson Op-Ed: Biden family’s corrupt ties to foreign oligarchs, officials met with mainstream media yawns

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, published a column on on the mainstream media’s approach to his committee’s recent findings about the involvement of Joe Biden’s family with corrupt foreign individuals.

After Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa and I published our committees’ findings of the sordid involvement of Joe Biden’s family with corrupt foreign oligarchs and officials, some big-name news outlets made a show of reacting with exaggerated yawns.

Our report in fact conveys a great deal of newly uncovered information, so if the legacy media claim there’s nothing new, it means either that they didn’t read our report or they’re not being honest.

Why did it fall to our committees to detail the payments from people running Chinese state-owned enterprises to the son of a potential future president? Why didn’t the legacy media bring this to light? The answer is that either the information we uncovered is indeed news — or the news outlets dismissing it were derelict in their duty.

You can read the full piece here.

The committees’ report can be found here.

