Johnson Requests Unredacted Report on FBI Official Accused of Accepting Gifts from Media

WASHINGTON U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Wednesday requesting the full and unredacted report from an investigation into an FBI official who is accused of accepting gifts from the media and of lacking candor when questioned about the allegations.

Johnson’s letter to Inspector General Horowitz can be found here and below.

October 17, 2018


The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz

Inspector General

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530


Dear Inspector General Horowitz:

I write to respectfully request that the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) produce the full and unredacted Report of Investigation relating to the OIG’s investigative summary entitled, “Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Official Accepting Gifts From Members of the Media and for Lack of Candor.” To the extent possible, please produce this information in an unclassified manner directly to the Committee. If a full response requires the production of classified information, please provide this material under separate cover via the Office of Senate Security.

The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is authorized by Rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate to investigate “the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of all agencies and departments of the Government.” Additionally, S. Res. 62 (115th Congress) authorizes the Committee to examine “the efficiency and economy of all branches of the Government including the possible existence of fraud, misfeasance, malfeasance, collusion, mismanagement, incompetence, corruption, or unethical practices….” 

If you have any questions about this request, please ask your staff to contact Brian Downey or Kyle Brosnan of the Committee staff at (202) 224-4751. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Ron Johnson



cc:        The Honorable Claire McCaskill

            Ranking Member


