WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had this to say following reports that Dr. David Houlihan, also known as “candy man” at the Tomah VA Medical Center in Tomah, Wis., permanently surrendered his license and registration to practice medicine in Wisconsin. Chairman Johnson issued a 359-page report in May 2016 detailing the tragedies at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah. The report can be found here.
“This news brings to mind the Wisconsin veterans and families who were affected by the tragedies at the Tomah VA Medical Center. According to the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Dr. Houlihan failed to provide appropriate medical care to at least 22 veterans and engaged in misconduct over the course of several years. As my committee’s investigation also found, the Tomah VA and Houlihan repeatedly failed to honor this nation’s promises to the finest among us. Our veterans deserve world class care, as well as accountability for those who fail to provide it.”
Wednesday’s order from the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services means that Houlihan will never practice medicine in Wisconsin again and that the state’s ruling will be placed in a national physician database.