Washington, DC – Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Member Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) were joined today by the U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, to announce the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) 2005 High Risk List. The High Risk List identifies areas of the federal government that are considered at high risk for waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement or experiencing major challenges associated with their economy, efficiency, or effectiveness.
“We in government have a duty to ensure the American people that their tax dollars are spent wisely and well. The high-risk list that we present today is so important because it is a frank assessment of problems that helps to guide those of us in the Congress and the Administration who are responsible for finding solutions,” said Senator Collins. “Our response to the challenges set forth by the GAO is aggressive oversight. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee undertook a great many initiatives to address high-risk issues during the 108th Congress. We concentrated primarily on the eight high-risk areas in which our jurisdiction is most clear and the need for attention most immediate. We held 49 hearings and reported out 28 bills. Among the most significant legislation produced by our committee are the Federal Workforce Flexibility Act, the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, the Homeland Security Grant Enhancement Act, and, of course, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act.”
The 2005 High-Risk Areas are: Strategic Human Capital Management, U.S. Postal Service Transformation Efforts and Long-Term Outlook, Managing Federal Real Property, Protecting the Federal Government’s Information Systems and the Nation’s Critical Infrastructures, Implementing and Transforming the Department of Homeland Security, Establishing Appropriate And Effective Information-Sharing Mechanisms to Improve Homeland Security, DOD Approach to Business Transformation, DOD Business Systems Modernization, DOD Personnel Security Clearance Program, DOD Support Infrastructure Management, DOD Financial Management, DOD Supply Chain Management (formerly Inventory Management), DOD Weapon Systems Acquisition, DOD Contract Management, DOE Contract Management, NASA Contract Management, Management of Interagency Contracting, Enforcement of Tax Laws, IRS Business Systems Modernization, Modernizing Federal Disability Programs, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Single-Employer Insurance Program, Medicare Program, Medicaid Program, HUD Single-Family Mortgage Insurance and Rental Housing Assistance Programs, and FAA Air Traffic Control Modernization.
GAO’s 2005 High Risk List report is available at http://www.gao.gov.