WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management (FSO) Subcommittee for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), released his 2020 “Festivus” Report, totaling over $54 billion in government waste.
This marks Dr. Paul’s sixth edition of the Festivus Report as he continues working to alert the American people to how their federal government uses their hard-earned money. 
This year, each story received a “Platinum Pig Award” that ranked the waste on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the most wasteful).

Sections are broken down into Health Care; Foreign Aid; Environment, Energy, Science; Military; and Miscellaneous, and highlights include lizards on treadmills, losing over 100 drones in Afghanistan, and combating binge-watching.
You can find Dr. Paul’s 2020 Festivus Report HERE.
