The Subcommittee held two days of hearings to examine the extent to which consumers can purchase pharmaceuticals over the Internet without a medical prescription, the importation of pharmaceuticals into the United States, and whether the pharmaceuticals from foreign sources are counterfeit, expired, unsafe, or illegitimate. This first hearing, held on June 17th examined the extent to which U.S. consumers can purchase dangerous and often addictive controlled substances from Internet pharmacy websites and the procedures utilized by the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, and private stakeholders to address these drug safety issues. The second hearing on this issue was held on July 22nd.
This webcast is an audio only stream.
Director, Public Health and Military Health Care Issues
U. S. Government Accountability Office
Managing Director, Office of Special Investigations
General Accounting Office
Chairman and CEO
Giuliani Partners, LLC
Director, Center for Pharmacoeconomic Studies
College of Pharmacy, University of Texas at Austin
Lost Son to Illegal Prescription Drugs Purchased
Through Domestic Internet Companies
Lost Husband to Illegal Prescription Drugs Purchased
Through International Internet Companies
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-2627